segunda-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2023

✬ Post 469 ✬


Set Left
Body: ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.4.2.9 BETA 1.0)
Head: ToddleeDoo - Baby Mesh Head PLUS - LEMON (2.1)
Shape: Titika's - Maya Shape (Lemon Head) @NEW
Skin{ Pity Party } - Sugar Snap TD Evo X { Amber }
Clothing[Vk!] - Nori Overall_Yellow @Daydream Event
❥ Available in 6 Color Options.
❥ Fits: TD Baby, Bebe, Youth & Tween Fitted.
Socks: . tiptoes - Snuggle Socks - Autumn B @Woodland Event
❥ Fits: Lullabeebs Infant Avatar, Fitted Toddleedoo (fits baby/kid v4.0+), Tweeneedoo, Bebe Toddler, and Bebe Youth.
❥ Available in pattern packs featuring 8-9 patterns each, and includes normal/loose fits for easier pairing with leggings or pjs.
❥ TIP: You can wear left/right socks separately!

Set Right
Body: ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.4.2.9 BETA 1.0)
Head: ToddleeDoo - Baby Mesh Head PLUS - LEMON (2.1)
Shape: Titika's - Maya Shape (Lemon Head) @NEW
Skin{ Pity Party } - Sugar Snap TD Evo X { Amber }
Hair: Wasabi // - Purr HW Ed. Hair - Absolute Pack
Sweatshirt: . tiptoes -  Oversized Playful Sweatshirt - Cool Cub
❥ Currently rigged for Fitted Toddleedoo (fits baby/kid v4.0+) and Bebe Toddler with more sizes coming soon.
❥ 8 single options and add-on mess HUD available for separate purchase unless grabbing the fatpack.
❥ Fatpack includes all 8 options and the mess HUD.
❥ Messes on the HUD match Clumsy Baby Face Mess v1 and v2.
Leggings: . tiptoes - Toasty Leggings - FP
Socks: . tiptoes - Snuggle Socks - Autumn B @Woodland Event
❥ Fits: Lullabeebs Infant Avatar, Fitted Toddleedoo (fits baby/kid v4.0+), Tweeneedoo, Bebe Toddler, and Bebe Youth.
❥ Available in pattern packs featuring 8-9 patterns each, and includes normal/loose fits for easier pairing with leggings or pjs.
❥ TIP: You can wear left/right socks separately!


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