quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2019

✬ Post 240 ✬

Body: ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.4.2.3 FITTED BOM)
Head: ToddleeDoo - Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE
Freckless: ToddleeDoo - Freckless - APPLIER + System BOM
Jewelry Set: {Lula Belle} - Snowflake Jewelry Set 
Hair: TRUTH - Kitten 
Dress: {L.F.C} - Alana Dress Tricot RED TDB & BEBE @{ Bargain Babies }
Boots: {Lula Belle} - Unrigged Leather Boot [SMOKE]
Fluffy plush: *SS* - Fluffy Plush (Add) KIDS @Dolled Up! Event
Open 5th December
Decoration: Yokai - Tea and Kittens GACHA 


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